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Date 14.08.2012  Information Processing Cycle Session 1

  1.     Input
  2.     Processing
  3.     Output
  4.     Storage


Date 14.08.2012  Definition of computer Session 1

 A computer is an electronics device used to process data, converting the data into information that is useful to People/users.

Date 14.08.2012  Desktop Icon Session 1

   Date 14.08.2012  Turning Off The Computer Session 1

¨  Before turning off your computer save all of your data.
¨  Close all the softwares & applications.
¨  Properly shut down your PC as per up-coming instructions.

Why Shut Down properly????????

          Windows creates many temporary files on our computer’s hard disk when it is running. By shutting down properly we give windows chance to erase those files, if we directly turn off the computer it can harm to our computer.

   Date 13.08.2012  Turning On The Computer   Session 1

Before turning on your computer please make sure

All cables are connected to system unit

Power cord are connected to an appropriate power source

e.g. Cable for mouse, Keyboard & printer

Steps Involved
1.Switch-on power button of UPS
2.Switch-on CPU
3.Switch-on Monitor

Computer will take 1-2 minutes to start and may display messages during start-up process
Click on your user account i.e.and type your login password if needed or hit the “Enter” key.


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